Submissions should be emailed to 1NF0XPR355@proton.me, and the subject line should start with "[SUBMISSION]". This way, I can easily filter and prioritize the submissions over the fanmail and constant requests for pictures of me in my underwear posing like George Costanza in that one picture.

Submissions should consist of a single .zip file, 5MB or under in size, with the following layout:







Right now, this is just a free site, so only filetypes outlined here are allowed, just because I'm not able to upload anything else. If the zine gets big enough, I might open up a Ko-fi, or something similar, and use that to pay the $5 a month NeoCities charges for Supporter, along with paying the folks who contribute (and, of course, a handsome but modest six-figure salary for the Official 1NF0XPR355 CEO/Founder/Head Thought Leader/Current Scepter Holder. Let's be rational here, people.)


I'm not especially fond of setting explicit cans-and-can'ts for art, but obviously there should be some basic boundaries. No illegal content, or anything listed here under "Prohibited Content". You can make whatever the hell you want, but I don't have to publish it, and I'm not sticking my neck out just so you can make your totally artistically justified doxx collage or whatever.

Another thing we don't allow: any type of right-wing or far-right horseshit, and anything that promotes bigotry, hatred, or unironic appreciation of the works of Ayn Rand. You can go jack off in a klan robe somewhere else, we aren't interested in your shit.

Note the use of the word "promotes" in that sentence. Depiction of all that is fine, and an important part of the way we artistically process the world. Quite frankly, even if I personally think the way you depict bigotry in your work is misguided or stupid, I'm not gonna breathe down your neck about it. What you put out into the world through this zine is your responsibility, not mine; I'm just the guy who makes sure we aren't uncritically publishing nazi propaganda.

And of course, the last and most important rule: I'm not gonna publish it if I don't want to. I'm not gonna be a dick about it and not tell you why, and what I think you could change to get it published, but if you act like an entitled whiny douchebag and demand that I publish the BakuDeku goonfic you wrote in 5 minutes on the toilet, unless it's a really good goonfic, I'm just going to stop responding to you.


Few more things right quick:

>Please make sure to use a Creative Commons license. Preferably one that lets me use your work commercially, so that if I do start a Ko-Fi, I don't get any legal headaches jumped out on me out of nowhere. I recommend the BY-SA license, since that will also make sure whatever remixes someone makes of your stuff will also have to be covered under Creative Commons. BY and CC0 are also acceptable alternatives.

>I don't know if I made this clear enough, but the absence of any specific theme or major restriction in what you contribute is very much intentional. As long as it's cool and you made it, I want it in this zine as much as you want it in this zine. I don't give a fuck what it is that you do, as long as you really, really want to do it for no other reason than for your own selfish artistic desires. You wanna serialize? Fuck it! I'll have people looking forward to your new shit every month. There's no point in me limiting you. If you want your own limits, you have to find them yourself.


[P.S.: the Web-MA thing on the front page is mostly just a joke, you can do whatever you want. It's not a porno zine, but I'm no prude.]

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